SIA “Viridi Lux”
The goal of company “Viridi Lux” is to offer a wide range of customers the latest generation of energy-efficiency technologies for ventilation, recuperation, heating and humidification to improve the environment and quality of life. We work with small and large objects, individuals and legal entities. The great experience of our employees will help you find and recommend the most suitable solution for your needs! We offer project development and implementation!

Our solutions reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions - benefits for you and environment!
In any place where the energy is used, it is possible to reduce consumption and increase efficiency. The basis of energy efficiency is to provide the same service with less energy intensive. The result of energy efficiency – lower bills. We will help you to reduce energy consumption.
We offer innovative energy saving solutions

Ventilation and recouperation

Heat pumps and other heating solutions

Conditioning and cooling

Humidification and dehumidification
Our clients

- Ventilation, recouperation, heating, cooling and misting solution installation and testing
- Warranty and post-warranty maintenance
For more information contact us at: +371 27086979, +371 29247257 or info@viridilux.lv

Your benefits
- We propose solutions with short time return of investment (ROI)!
- Our solutions help to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions – benefits for you and environment!
- We are looking for manufacturer of energy saving solutions. We offer distribution of your products.
Our happy clients
Bērnu izklaides centrā www.roly-poly.lv tika uzstādīta ventilācijas – rekuperācijas iekārta VENTS MICRA 150E. Telpa – 50m2, griestu augstums – 4,2m, kurā vienlaicīgi atrodas 10-15 bērni, pasākumu laikā arī vecāki. Iekārta pilnībā nodrošina svaigu un siltu gaisu pat tad, kad ārā ir ļoti auksts laiks.
Centra vadītājs
Pateicība Viridi Lux par ātri un kvalitatīvi paveiktu darbu! 👍Mūsdienīgi un par pieņemamu cenu.
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